Monday, April 10, 2028


So much can be captured in a name said well,
This one's said by a dink, at least that much I'll tell,
so your first task is to stay above despair like these two,
and tell me who said the name, before me and you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And for shecond and third, your mishtakes may be few
But it's not the characters themselves, rather mistakes played by you,
One you must know, _ _ _ _ _ _ _...................

But the next guy is one where the manliness runs pure

He rode right by you, and made quite a shout,
But it was oh so typical, it made you laugh out _ _ _

But there is another shout, that sounds better sung,
As you and John discovered, in an opera tongue, _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And the seventh is a quote that you just gotta try, _ _ _ _ _ _
And the eighth goes right with it, but you must know why,
_ _ _ _

Ten is quite bitter, because of who she could tell,
but when he finds out the truth, all will be well,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


A chestnut begins, and it may seem quite big
but once you are finished you might say, “I dig!”
If not a fool of a took, first see how it looks
There are real people, movies, and books, books, books

There lies a whole history of brotherly ha ha's
and that's what's so funny, but do you know who it was?
And if a clue pertains to nothing ever heard,
Say, “I'm better 'n you”, or shout 'the fuck word!'

But they're all perfect, you will see when your done,
so there's really no reason, not to keep fit and have fun
The names, the order, and the code may be stressful
Dear brother, engage, and you are bound to be successful


And almost all done, it's me and it's true,
but played by a person, that's quite close to you _ _ _ _


And the next is a very gymnastical guy,
who plays quite unsafe, but 3PO knows why,
_ _ _ _ _


..........................but the other you'll find
said not 'breaking rules' but rather 'crossing lines'
_ _ _ _ _

Fourth is a bit of a favourite for dad
mock worry by a villain, over confidence he had,
oh, I'm afraid you'll get this, all too easy I'm sure,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

and well for his friend, who really seemed scared,
scared for his life, and the possession they shared.
_ _ _ _ _


And the last says he's first, at least when getting on the bus, _ _ _ _ _
But he's really quite right, for minding order's a must.